"Maîtriser le risque sol, c'est avant tout protéger l'avenir de vos projets..."

  Avis de Fusion GTS / Holding Groupe Dacquin : Avis de Fusion  -  Traité de Fusion


A full range of solutions to meet the needs of our clients

Tackling site stability and consolidation are the specialities of G.T.S. Our structure and enterprise culture are aimed at solving our clients' problems and lead our teams to operate under optimal quality, lead time and safety conditions, always mindful of the fact that for us, protecting the environment is a core value. Our company's private and public references and the faithfulness of the outsourcers are tangible proof of the confidence our clients place in us.


GTS was created in 1988
Over 500 specialised workers, engineers, supervisors


  • Soil improvement
  • Retaining walls
  • Deep foundations
  • Soil grouting
  • Rope access
  • Specific civil engineering
  • Fluvial and maritimes works


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